Judge David Byrd (2nd) -- Please read the full story for details.

Judge Mitchell L. McClean (3rd) --DIED TRYING TO VINDICATE HIMSELF

Wilkes County North Carolina DSS Administrative:
304 College St. Wilkesboro, NC 28697
Tel: 336-651-7400 / Fax: 336-651-7568
Directors: James D. Bumgarner  ---  William W. Sebastian       
Chairman: Keith Elmore 
Child Protective Services, foster Care, Lead Supervisor: Hal Wilson 
Vice-Chairman: Lynn W. Day
Staff: Randy “Rudy” Holbrook
Staff: Luther J. Parks
Staff: David A. Pendry
DSS Lawyer: Paul Wesley Freeman Jr., represented false information in this case for over two years.  Please read the full story for details.
Child Protective Services, Investigations/Case Management, Lead Supervisor: Sonya Freeman
Deputy Clerk: Debbie Freeman Deborah Freeman

Social Workers & Others Closely Associated with this Case:
Dr. Julie Koch: - Wilkes Pediatric Clinic 
Tel: 336-903-0147 - 1925 W Park Dr, North Wilkesboro, NC
Harry G. Padgett, Ed.D – NC Licensed Psychologist #195 Agape Onama Psychological Incorporated 1212 School Street, Wilkesboro, NC 28697 - Reported to the NC Psychology Board - LOST HIS LICENSE - RECORDING
Court Appointed Lawyer: Brendan Edge - Brendan C. Edge (Reported to the NC BAR)
Program Supervisor: Tracie Jordan  - Tel: 336-667-0474
Child Protective Services, Adoption Services, Supervisor: Denise Greene
Social Worker: Cynthia Coffey - Cindy Coffey - Recklessness & Fraud
Social Worker: Elizabeth Davis  -  False Testimony in Court & Fraud
Social Worker: Mary Severt - Honest in some areas - but DSS influenced
Newly assigned Guardian Ad Litem:  Wendi Slentz - False Information
Guardian As Litem LawyerHeather Klein - False Information & Fraud
Foster Parents: Tabitha Lovell & Roger Lovell of North Wilkesboro, NC
Showing no concern for the biological parents & thinking it's a 
game to try to adopt their children out from underneath them.
Roger Lovell & Tabitha Lovell also enjoy laughing it up in court
as if this is one big joke to them. They already have two kids of
their own and were persuaded by the mentally sick grandmother to obtain the Foster Care License then adopt the parent's child.  They must think it's proper to alienate the affection of someone else's child.

New River Behavioral Healthcare:
1430 Willow Ln, North Wilkesboro, NC 28659 - Tel: 336-667-5151
Person who Conducted Psycholgical Assessment: Ms. Diana Ryder - Reported to insurance company for fraud - "I must diagnose you with a disorder for your insurance company to pay for this.  I came up with two disorders, a separation disorder or personality disorder, and I don't think you want a personality disorder."  After being confronted about the fraud, NC Blue Cross said she retracted one or more claim(s) for payment. "New River Behavioral Healthcare losses put at $6.5 million over 2 years" Click the link to read full article on this corruption.
Here is the Founder's Son at the zoo being very much loved and cared for  as always, before the Corrupt Wilkes County Court  took him from his home not long afterwards.
Wilkes County Courthouse
500 Courthouse Drive
Wilkeboro, NC 28697
Tel: 336-651-4400
Original & Benchmark False/Corrupt Child Abuse Case (Founding Case of this Organization) North Carolina Department of Social Services - Wilkesboro, NC - CLICK HERE For Full Story
Judge Michael Duncan (1st Judge):  Willfully ignored the parent's request to have a second doctor's opinion on the pediatrician Dr. Julie Koch's claimed "forensic" examination - which concluded that there were NO injuries whatsoever discovered yet she still claimed that the spanking to the child's behind was an abuse.  The pediatrician also made excuses to avoid showing up in court to testify about her so-called "forensic examination" and after two days of waiting for her to show up, the parent was simply bullied into signing a "Parental Reunification Plan" (by court appointed attorney Brendan Edge) - to force him to believe that he needed to stop worrying about his ------
rights to due process of examining the doctor's evidence against him -- and to start "cooperating" with DSS.. This judge also knew the parent had at least two case witnesses whom arrived to testify in court and had to fly in over four hundred miles away (from the state the parent is originally from) and willfully refused to accomodate the parent's witnesses to EVER testify. After two days of waiting for their turn to testify, the father's mother and sister could no longer wait around in the court house (above pictured) and could not be gone any longer from their professional jobs (nursing and caregiving) which resulted in them never being able to testify about how truly great the relationship was between father and son (which they've witnessed many times). This just gives you a small example of this corruption - please feel welcome to read the full story to be utterly disgusted and fully aware and informed about how these judges and other participants to a DSS case commit acts of fraud, willfull deception, willful unfairness, carelessness, recklessness, and judicial corruption.
Judges Presiding and Ruling over this Case:
To See a Full Timeline of 
Father & Son Together Happily Since His Birth 
UP TO THE DAY BEFORE DSS Declared HIM As An "Abused & Neglected Child"
"Mr. Scott, Great Great Job.  I'm so proud of you and your staff.  Again, thank You." Janice Adams. - email received from our client after all three granddaughters reunited.
We are the one, only, and original fully licensed investigative group, tremendously helping clients with their CPS cases nationwide.

We would like to welcome you to our fully state licensed investigative agency, helping parents nationwide with DSS/CPS cases.  With having over twenty-four years of expert investigative experience combined with the highest of academic training, our investigative firm and/or its chief investigator Jon Scott, has created and developed the much needed specialization of providing the highest level of expertise in fully state licensed investigative services for each state of the United States as hired from the originating state where the lawful licensed professional is located - in parental rights defense and litigation investigations.  Our firm has clients in almost every state of the country whom are dealing with a corrupt Child Protective Services department.

Our firm legally investigates all United States Departments of Social Services (DSS), namely we investigate Child Protective Services fraud, we investigate child protective services corruption, (we investigate CPS fraud and we investigate CPS corruption), we investigate and provide help for DSS Corruption (help for Department of Social Services Corruption), we investigate and provide help for Child Protective Services Corruption, (help for CPS corruption), investigate and provide help for Social Services Fraud, (help for DSS Fraud), investigate and provide help for Child Protective Services Fraud (help for CPS Fraud), investigate and provide help for Child Protective Services Corruption (help for Child Protective Services corruption), investigate and provide help for Parental Rights Violations, and namely, expert Parental Rights Defense Investigations and are Parental Rights Defense Investigators. Many times, our clients hire us and get all the results they are looking for - without ever hiring an attorney, or AFTER hiring one or more attorneys whom have done little to nothing to help them. 


As expert parental rights defense investigators, as well as parental rights civil litigation investigative experts, Child Protective Services civil litigation investigative experts, our team produces unsurpassed results for our clients. Namely, we in fact have a strong track record of investigating and seeking justice for DSS Social Services Fraud, investigating and seeking justice for Child Protective Services Fraud, investigating and seeking justice for Child Protective Services Corruption - which many times has resulted in the return of the children back to our clients. 

Our firm fully investigates Child Protective Services corruption cases where our powerful investigative efforts have in fact been the exact reason why many of our clients' children have been returned to them. Our clients thank us over and over again for being the one true reason why they've been able to finally get back their child or children, and to also pursue the most probative evidence towards preparing it for trial against these corrupt persons and their departments. 

We investigate to secure evidence and prepare it for Federal and civil lawsuits against DSS fraud, Federal and civil lawsuits against Child Protective Services fraud (lawsuits against CPS fraud), civil lawsuits against Child Protective Services corruption (lawsuits against CPS corruption), civil lawsuits against Child Protective Services parental rights violations (lawsuits against CPS parental rights violations), and civil lawsuits against the Department of Social Services (civil lawsuits against DSS).

Our firm takes every legal step necessary to investigate complaints against Child Protective Services (complaints against CPS), complaints against child protective services fraud (complaints against CPS fraud), and complaints against child protective services corruption (complaints against CPS corruption).  Our very strategic planning and actions work to investigate DSS fraud, investigate Child Protective Services fraud (CPS fraud) and investigate Child Protective Services corruption (CPS corruption) against these criminals to seek indictments for the arrests of fraudulent Child Protective Services case workers (arrests of fraudulent CPS case workers), arrests for fraudulent DSS workers, Child Protective Services committing fraud and violating parental rights (CPS committing fraud and violating parental rights), Child Protective Services case workers committing fraud and violating parental rights, arrests and lawsuits against corrupt Child Protective Services social workers, staff, and administrators.

We also hold that nobody is above the law, not even judges. Whereas, our very powerful investigative strategies and courses of action our firm takes, goes all the way to the top of the illegal food chain of Child Protective Services corruption to include the seeking of a Grand Jury indictment against any judge or others who or whom knowingly commits Child Protective Services fraud and corruption.  We are also fully state licensed to secure any and all evidence and to prepare it to be used before committees, boards of award and arbitration, as well as for full civil and criminal jury trials. 

With over twenty-two (22) years beginning with obtaining the very highest of academic legal studies, then going on to conduct thousands of fully state licensed investigations combining a large variety of both civil and criminal issues - and now, at over seven (7) years beginning from founding and creating this investigative specialization of Parental Right Investigations, to the full day-to-day continuance of making it more effective for each new case and with consistently producing better results on cases throughout all of these years - I can say with absolute honesty an assurance that our clients can count on our firm to work on their case with utmost care, professionalism, expertise, efficiency, attention to detail, integrity, and passion to win, find justice, reach all legal investigative goals and objectives, and to gain the highest of prosperity for our clients.  That is my personal promise and commitment. 

Jon Scott, Chief DSS/CPS
Parental Rights Defense & Litigation Investigator
Whistleblowers Welcome! 
All DSS/CPS members will be financially rewarded for their participation in successfully winning any lawsuit against any DSS/CPS agency.
LICENSED Parental 
Rights Defense
Investigations. CPS/DSS Fraud and Corruption Defense Investigations - 25+ Years Total Career Investigative Experience.
"I think you're very knowledgeable and definitely out there to help parents fight CPS and getting their children back"  "You've done a lot of work on this case and definitely working to make it better for us." Ms. Aubrey R.
Ms. Rebecca B. - "Yes, my court appointed attorney said you put him under investigation and he spoke to his friend the Judge who stopped the termination of my rights in court yesterday."
"My name is Meagan.  My husband and I would like to say thank you to Jon Scott and returnmychild.com for helping us through a heartbreaking time of need.  Without your guidance and experience these memories would not be possible." All children were returned back to our clients.
Ms. Cindy M. - "Very effective" "A 10" 
The child was returned to our Client.
Licensed Parental Rights Investigator Inv. Jon Scott
Inv. Jon S. 1995 Graduation of 
of Criminal & Civil Investigations 
Studies, AS Degree
The above email is Reserved for Our Existing Clients ONLY & Will NOT 
Be Responded to FOR HELP REQUESTS. 
For New Clients - PLEASE Click Here for
an Investigative Assessment (to begin with).
Please Make a Contribution to Sponsor a Family in Support of Very Needed Parental Rights Investigations

Sponsors will be able to communicate with the families they've helped and periodically check to see all the great progress and achievements made on their cases. 

You may use the email listed at the top of the page to ask about Sponsoring.
Important Parental Rights News:

Contact Us For Help

We are the number one leading firm in the nation that specializes in Parental Rights Defense Investigations.  Our investigation secures very powerful evidence and stops CPS fraud and corruption that makes it possible for our clients to become reunited with their children. DSS/CPS otherwise does everything if can to keep the cases going for as long as possible which allows them to continue getting a crooked paycheck.

"God makes more useful 'Apps' for your life than you will ever find on your smartphone." 
Jon S. (c) 2009 - 2019
Survey-Testimony from Ms. Georgina H.
Statements of Survey:

Ms. Georgina H. -- "It was really the strangest thing, the DA mysteriously dropped the charges."

How would you rate our overall performance from 1 to 10? "A twelve." "Our goals have been met and plus, 
they told us the DA was a hard-nosed and never backed down, and the attorneys and public defenders are 
all in awe because of the results we've got. You are the only thing that's different in any other case that's 
happened there, and the attorneys said IT'S NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE, and I really believe that your 
involvement helped get our results."

"The only problem I've ever gotten from you is that you would try hard to do your best to get this result, and I appreciate it."

We're moving in the right direction. We're just really, we went up to Oregon last week and it was just whim-bam you know, and they're like THIS HAS NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE, and you were the first thing that came to our minds. For what is different about this case than other cases - and all we could think of is you."

Audio Player of Recorded Survey --------------------->

Recent UPDATED EMAIL FROM CLIENT: "Thanks again. The settlement is more than we thought. Your efforts helped greatly."  Our clients acknowledge our help has greatly benefited their case and helped them to receive a handsome monetary award in settlement, of their legal threat to sue CPS!
Survey-Testimony from Ms. Mary P.
Statements of Survey:

Ms. Mary P. -- "We hired you for getting our children back"  

Inv. Jon S. - "I understand that before we began this survey, you told me these children have 
been returned to your home, is that correct?  

Ms. Mary P. "Yes, since June 9th."

Inv. Jon S. - "And do you truly believe that our involvement in this case and participation and our 
investigative performance has been a direct contribution of those children being returned to your 

Ms. Mary P. "Yes."

Audio Player of Recorded Survey --------------------->

Follow-up Email From Client: "Just wanted to give you an update that my criminal case was dismissed yesterday."

If your case is outside of Wilkes County, NC - but still involves ANY of the corrupt people named in this case, YOUR CASE IS STILL FREE.
Testimonies about the Father

Melanie A. "I have known Jon Scott for 10 years and he has the biggest heart any one man can have. He was always there when I needed to talk. He's a very hard working man that will give you the shirt off of his back. He loves his child unconditionally, always talking and doing his best for him. I know how much his son loves him. This is wrong, very wrong and I pray that his son is back where he belongs soon. Jon loves kids and that's all he would talk about when we met. He wanted his own child to love, care, and give him the best life possible." Melanie A.
Survey-Testimony from Ms. Donna M.
Statements of Survey:

Audio Player of Recorded Survey --------------------->

Ms. Donna M.: "It's been awesome, it's been great and I couldn't be happier"
Our team helps nationwide:

We provide the ultimate help with child protective services fraud (help with CPS fraud), and the ultimate help with child protective services corruption (help with CPS corruption) for each and every state as hired from the state the licensed professional is located. Our services provide investigative defense of CPS cases, defense of fraudulent CPS cases, defense of CPS fraud, defense of corrupt CPS, defense of CPS violations, defense of CPS rights violations, and defense of DSS cases. We provide help for DSS CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Alabama, CPS child protective services CPS fraud and child protective services corruption in Alaska, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Arizona, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Arkansas, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in California, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Colorado, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Delaware, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in District of Columbia (D.C. or DC), CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Florida, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Georgia, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Hawaii, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Idaho, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Illinois, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Indiana, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Iowa, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Kansas, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Kentucky, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Louisiana, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Maine, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Maryland, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Massachusetts, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Michigan, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Minnesota, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Mississippi, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Missouri, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Montana, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Nebraska, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Nevada, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in New Hampshire, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in New Jersey, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in New Mexico, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in New York, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in North Carolina, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in North Dakota, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Ohio, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Oklahoma, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Oregon, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Pennsylvania, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Rhode Island, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in South Carolina, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Tennessee, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Texas, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Utah, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Vermont, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in CPS Virginia, child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Washington, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in West Virginia, CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Wisconsin, and CPS child protective services fraud and child protective services corruption in Wyoming. Our investigative services are for CPS defense, child protective services defense, DSS defense, department of social services defense, child protective services defense, CPS lawsuits, CPS Federal lawsuits, CPS class action lawsuits, CPS complaints, CPS complaint, complaints against CPS, complaint against CPS for fraud, complaint against CPS for corruption, complaint against CPS for lying, complaint against CPS for false report, complaint against CPS for malpractice, complaint against CPS for child endangerment, complaint against CPS for violating laws, complaint against CPS for violating rights, victim of CPS fraud, victim of CPS corruption, victim of CPS false report, victim of CPS lying, victim of corrupt CPS judge, victim of CPS crime, victim of CPS judge terminating parental rights, illegal termination of parental rights in CPS case, victim of parental constitutional rights violation, victim of Federal parental rights violation, victim of custody rights violation, illegal CPS custody of child, CPS racketeering investigation, illegal child kidnapping by CPS, CPS illegal child kidnapping, complaint against GAL guardian ad litem, GAL guardian ad litem fraud, GAL guardian ad litem lying, corrupt GAL guardian ad litem, false psychological evaluation report, false CPS evaluation report, false CPS psychological evaluation report, corrupt CPS psychologist, CPS psychologist fraud, CPS psychologist corruption, complaint against CPS psychologist, false psychological report, false psychological evaluation, file complaint against psychologist for fraud, file complaint against psychologist for false report file complaint against CPS for fraud, sue CPS for fraud, sue CPS for corruption, hire attorney for CPS case (as licensed investigators we will only refer one), and case defense investigative services are for each and ever state of the united states and hired from the state where the investigator is licensed.

States that we provide investigative case defense for CPS cases include CPS defense for Alabama, CPS defense for Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming. We also provide service for Canada, United Kingdom (UK), and countries under special circumstances. 

Many cities that we provide CPS investigative case defense for include but are not limited to CPS case help defense in Chicago for CPS case help defense in New York, CPS case help defense in Los Angeles, CPS case help defense in Houston, CPS case help defense in San Francisco, CPS case help defense in Phoenix, CPS case help defense in San Antonio, CPS case help defense in San Diego, CPS case help defense in Detroit, CPS case help defense in San Jose, CPS case help defense in Austin, CPS case help defense in Jacksonville, CPS case help defense in Philadelphia, CPS case help defense in Indianapolis, CPS case help defense in Columbus, CPS case help defense in Fort Worth, CPS case help defense in Charlotte, CPS case help defense in Seattle, CPS case help defense in El Paso, CPS case help defense in Dallas, CPS case help defense in Denver, CPS case help defense in Washington DC, CPS case help defense in Memphis, CPS case help defense in Boston, CPS case help defense in Nashville, CPS case help defense in Baltimore, CPS case help defense in Oklahoma City, CPS case help defense in Portland, CPS case help defense in Las Vegas, CPS case help defense in Louisville, CPS case help defense in Milwaukee, CPS case help defense in Albuquerque, CPS case help defense in Tuscon, CPS case help defense in Fresno, CPS case help defense in Sacramento, CPS case help defense in Long Beach, CPS case help defense in Kansas City, CPS case help defense in Mesa, CPS case help defense in Atlanta, CPS case help defense in Virginia Beach, CPS case help defense in Omaha, CPS case help defense in Colorado Springs, CPS case help defense in Raleigh, CPS case help defense in Miami, CPS case help defense in Oakland, CPS case help defense in Minneapolis, CPS case help defense in Tulsa, CPS case help defense in Cleveland, CPS case help defense in Wichita, CPS case help defense in New Orleans, CPS case help defense in Arlington, CPS case help defense in Bakersfield, CPS case help defense in Tampa, CPS case help defense in Aurora, CPS case help defense in Honolulu, CPS case help defense in Anaheim, CPS case help defense in Santa Ana, CPS case help defense in Corpus Christi, CPS case help defense in Riverside, CPS case help defense in St, Louis, CPS case help defense in Lexington, CPS case help defense in Pittsburgh, CPS case help defense in Stockton, CPS case help defense in Anchorage, CPS case help defense in Cincinnati, CPS case help defense in Saint Paul, CPS case help defense in Greensboro, CPS case help defense in Toledo, CPS case help defense in Newark, CPS case help defense in Plano, CPS case help defense in Henderson, CPS case help defense in Lincoln, CPS case help defense in Orlando, CPS case help defense in Jersey City, CPS case help defense in Chula Vista, CPS case help defense in Buffalo, CPS case help defense in Fort Wayne, CPS case help defense in Chandler, CPS case help defense in St. Petersburg, CPS case help defense in Laredo, CPS case help defense in Durham, CPS case help defense in Irvine, CPS case help defense in Madison, CPS case help defense in Norfolk, CPS case help defense in Lubbock, CPS case help defense in Gilbert, CPS case help defense in Winston Salem, CPS case help defense in Glendale, CPS case help defense in Reno, CPS case help defense in Hialeah, CPS case help defense in Garland, CPS case help defense in Chesapeake, CPS case help defense in Irving, CPS case help defense in North Las Vegas, CPS case help defense in Scottsdale, CPS case help defense in Baton Rouge, CPS case help defense in Fremont, CPS case help defense in Richmond, CPS case help defense in Boise, CPS case help defense in San Bernardino, CPS case help defense in Birmingham, CPS case help defense in Spokane, CPS case help defense in Rochester, CPS case help defense in Modesto, CPS case help defense in Des Moines, CPS case help defense in Oxnard, CPS case help defense in Tacoma, CPS case help defense in Fontana, CPS case help defense in Fayetteville, CPS case help defense in Moreno Valley, CPS case help defense in Columbus, CPS case help defense in Huntington Beach, CPS case help defense in Yonkers, CPS case help defense in Montgomery, CPS case help defense in Aurora, CPS case help defense in Glendale, CPS case help defense in Shreveport, CPS case help defense in Arkron, CPS case help defense in Little Rock, CPS case help defense in Amarillo, CPS case help defense in Augusta, CPS case help defense in Mobile, CPS case help defense in Grand Rapids, CPS case help defense in Salt Lake City, CPS case help defense in Huntsville, CPS case help defense in Grand Prairie, CPS case help defense in Overland Park, CPS case help defense in Knoxville, CPS case help defense in Brownsville, CPS case help defense in Worcester, CPS case help defense in Newport News, CPS case help defense in Santa Clarita, CPS case help defense in Providence, CPS case help defense in Fort Lauderdale, CPS case help defense in Garden Grove, CPS case help defense in Oceanside, CPS case help defense in Rancho CPS case help defense in Cucamonga, CPS case help defense in Santa CPS case help defense in Rosa, CPS case help defense in Port St. Lucie, CPS case help defense in Chattanooga, CPS case help defense in Tempe, CPS case help defense in Jackson, CPS case help defense in Cape Coral, CPS case help defense in Vancouver, CPS case help defense in Ontario, CPS case help defense in Sioux Falls, CPS case help defense in Peoria, CPS case help defense in Springfield, CPS case help defense in Pembroke Pines, CPS case help defense in Elk Grove, CPS case help defense in Salem, CPS case help defense in Corona, CPS case help defense in Lancaster, CPS case help defense in Eugene, CPS case help defense in Palmdale, CPS case help defense in McKinney, CPS case help defense in Salinas, CPS case help defense in Fort Collins, CPS case help defense in Cary, CPS case help defense in Hayward, CPS case help defense in Springfield, CPS case help defense in Pasadena, CPS case help defense in Macon, CPS case help defense in Pomona, CPS case help defense in Alexandria, CPS case help defense in Escondido, CPS case help defense in Sunnyvale, CPS case help defense in Lakewood, CPS case help defense in Kansas City, CPS case help defense in Rockford, CPS case help defense in Torrance, CPS case help defense in Hollywood, CPS case help defense in Joliet, CPS case help defense in Bridgeport, CPS case help defense in Clarksville, CPS case help defense in Paterson, CPS case help defense in Frisco, CPS case help defense in Mesquite, CPS case help defense in Savannah, CPS case help defense in Syracuse, CPS case help defense in Dayton, CPS case help defense in Pasadena, CPS case help defense in Orange, CPS case help defense in Fullerton, CPS case help defense in McAllen, CPS case help defense in Killeen, CPS case help defense in Hampton, CPS case help defense in Bellevue, CPS case help defense in Warren, CPS case help defense in Miramar, CPS case help defense in West Valley City, CPS case help defense in Olathe, CPS case help defense in Columbia, CPS case help defense in Sterling Heights, CPS case help defense in Thornton, CPS case help defense in New Haven, CPS case help defense in Waco, CPS case help defense in Charleston, CPS case help defense in Thousand Oaks, CPS case help defense in Visalia, CPS case help defense in Cedar Rapids, CPS case help defense in Elizabeth, CPS case help defense in Roseville, CPS case help defense in Gainesville, CPS case help defense in Carrollton, CPS case help defense in Stamford, CPS case help defense in Denton, CPS case help defense in Midland, CPS case help defense in Coral Springs, CPS case help defense in Concord, CPS case help defense in Topeka, CPS case help defense in Simi Valley, CPS case help defense in Surprise, CPS case help defense in Lafayette, CPS case help defense in Kent, CPS case help defense in Hartford, CPS case help defense in Santa Clara, CPS case help defense in Victorville, CPS case help defense in Abilene, CPS case help defense in Murfreesboro, CPS case help defense in Evansville, CPS case help defense in Vallejo, CPS case help defense in Athens, CPS case help defense in Allentown, CPS case help defense in Berkeley, CPS case help defense in Norman, CPS case help defense in Ann Arbor, CPS case help defense in Beaumont, CPS case help defense in Independence, CPS case help defense in Columbia, CPS case help defense in Springfield, CPS case help defense in El Monte, CPS case help defense in Fargo, CPS case help defense in Peoria, CPS case help defense in Provo, CPS case help defense in Lansing, CPS case help defense in Odessa, CPS case help defense in Downey, CPS case help defense in Wilmington, CPS case help defense in Arvada, CPS case help defense in Costa Mesa, CPS case help defense in Round Rock, CPS case help defense in Carlsbad, CPS case help defense in Miami Gardens, CPS case help defense in Westminster, CPS case help defense in Inglewood, CPS case help defense in Rochester, CPS case help defense in CPS case help defense in Fairfield, CPS case help defense in Elgin, CPS case help defense in West Jordan, CPS case help defense in Clearwater, CPS case help defense in Manchester, CPS case help defense in Lowell, CPS case help defense in Gresham, CPS case help defense in CPS case help defense in Cambridge, CPS case help defense in Ventura, CPS case help defense in Temecula, CPS case help defense in Waterbury, CPS case help defense in Antioch, CPS case help defense in Billings, CPS case help defense in High Point, CPS case help defense in Richardson, CPS case help defense in Richmond, CPS case help defense in West Covina, CPS case help defense in Pueblo, CPS case help defense in Murrieta, CPS case help defense in Centennial, CPS case help defense in Norwalk, CPS case help defense in North Charleston, CPS case help defense in Everett, CPS case help defense in Pompano Beach, CPS case help defense in Daly City, CPS case help defense in Palm Bay, CPS case help defense in Burbank, CPS case help defense in Wichita Falls, CPS case help defense in Boulder, CPS case help defense in Green Bay, CPS case help defense in Broken Arrow, CPS case help defense in West Palm Beach, CPS case help defense in College Station, CPS case help defense in Pearland, CPS case help defense in Santa Maria, CPS case help defense in El Cajon, CPS case help defense in San Mateo, CPS case help defense in Lewisville, CPS case help defense in Rialto, CPS case help defense in Davenport, CPS case help defense in Lakeland, CPS case help defense in Clovis, CPS case help defense in Edison, CPS case help defense in Sandy Springs, CPS case help defense in Tyler, CPS case help defense in Las Cruces, CPS case help defense in South Bend, CPS case help defense in Farmington Hills, and CPS case help defense in Erie.
Our Hater's Policy and note about the haters and people in opposition to what we do to help and bring justice to so many families:

Due to the fact that our fully licensed investigative agency is indeed the leading firm in the nation since 2009 with helping thousands of families - nationwide, we do occasionally get harassed, threatened, and even falsely smeared online by PROVEN CONVICTED (In CRIMINAL COURT) Sexual Predators, Pedophiles, Sexual Child Molesters, and Child Abusers.  We do however, provide full investigative defense for those whom have been wrongly accused of those acts/crimes and/or have admitted to being guilty/wrong and are now trying very hard to better themselves and satisfy what CPS is demanding for them to do for reunification or, for having good reason not to.  Nonetheless, some of these types of people support the coining of the phrase "misery loves company" - by trying to attack our firm's well-proven track record of the highest client satisfaction and case success, by attempting to mislead the public online because they are either A. Mad that we cannot take on their case for free at the time due to not receiving any contributions or donations to help us fund those investigations, or B. For opting out of taking on their case due to their own behaviors being HIGHLY uncivilized (not able to communicate in a civilized manner, believing they know everything and know how to do our job better than we do, indicating they don't know what the term "team work" means.  C. DSS/CPS workers, staff, associates, friends, and family members, love to try to attack us and bring us down.  RippoffReport.com has been sued around 100 times and has an F Rating at BBB (Better Business Bureau) so DON'T TRUST THAT SITE.

From that, we are likewise VERY AWARE that some of the allegations made against those types of people are highly likely to be founded and completely true - where we'd never in a million years wish to advocate for them and we hope that they do not mislead any good parents out there who have a legitimate parental right rights violation case for us to help them with thus, so they won't be mislead by these convicted criminals and ignoramuses to suffer along with them by not getting the tremendously effective help our nationwide firm indeed has effectively provided for many years.  We are also making an online list and reporting them to the proper authorities for willful harassment, willful defamation, willfully falsifying information for deceptive business practices, and others - so they cannot continue to be a public menace and threat to society.  Jon Scott - Founder & National Director

FRAUD & CONSUMER ALERT - LEGAL NOTICE: RipoffReport.com is a Hater's Club. Ed Magedson (Owner) is under investigation for Fraud and Corruption and has been sued around 100 times and has an F Rating at BBB (Better Business Bureau). Complaints at RipoffReport.com are FALSE and from Hatefulness.. "Jon Scott guaranteed that he would prosecute the judges and attorneys and CPS that stole my great granddaughter" This person wrote this as ANNONYMOUS and Ed Magedson (owner and editor of RipoffReport.com) refuses to respond to validate whether the complaint or person is legitimate or not (unless of course you pay his group at least $2,000.00). Secondly, it's common sense that no legal professional will ever state a "guarantee" that a judge, attorney, or CPS will be prosecuted neither oral or written which is likewise why this person has no evidence whatsoever of our staff, making any false guarantees whatsoever (which is what's claimed on that hater club website). Second "complaint" by Ann McAllister and Edward McAllister of North Carolina stating that they've paid $250.00 and in fact have only paid $125.00 for an Investigative Case Assessment ONLY. From that assessment they were then offered our investigative services 100% FREE (Pro Bono) where we have spent many hours in combination of communicating over the phone and attempting to help as much as possible under the circumstances of a case dealing with five children and where both parents have been routinely homeless and jobless and/or extremely low-income.  So the parent obviously decided to try to blame for their own shortcomings and extreme inability to parent those children - by A. claiming they've paid allot more than they actually did, and B. that they've "tried calling every day" throughout eleven months.  They've not made any such amount of phone calls to us and instead have decided to try to persuade other parents to live a life of misery as theirs by believing that their $125.00 payment was a result of receiving false promises and misrepresentations.  As a result, we now have an area dedicated exclusively to expose the slackers, haters, and scape-goaters, whom think the can simply farm off their miserable lives onto others and mislead others whom are needing our truly unprecedented and unsurpassed help.  Likewise, please use good judgment and common sense. ALL of the testimonies on our website (ReturnMyChild.com) are fully verifiable and we have almost 6 thousand likes on Facebook. Therefore, our staff do no wish to be used as an excuse why a parent's neglectful or abusive actions towards their own child - was the reason why they didn't get their child back. We will therefore decline helping anyone who doesn't have enough common sense to appreciate the hard work we do in helping numerous families (along with ample proof of that). Please read our Hater's Policy before hiring our team - even for the Investigative Case Assessment. Again, we have been helping families tremendously for over seven (7) years. Here is what people are saying about "RipoffReport.com (just google the owner/editor Ed Magedson) "Ed Magedson, the Criminal Extortionist and Scammer behind RipoffReport.com" Please use common sense! :-) FoxNews Bill O'Reilly Says Ripoffreport is Extortion (video interview)
Licensed Parental Rights Det. Jon Scott
ANOTHER Successful Case - FULL FAMILY REUNIFICATION - Click the Audio Player to Hear Full Client Testimony. "You got my granddaughter back, I would recommend you to anyone." Ms. Lee Ann B. Grandmother (client).
Please feel welcome to press play on the audio players & YouTube players to hear and see our client Testimonies!
Survey - Testimony from Mr. Tony M.
Statements of Survey:

Mr. Tony M. --  "I appreciate your help in keeping those kids where they belong and getting this resolved. Your helpful in quite allot of ways. You helped me organized some paperwork, helped me get a foot in the right direction, some helpful advice, and also kept my spirits up throughout this whole thing. 

Inv. Jon S. -- "Is it true that wrote me an email that you've won your incidence liberty trial and did our work during this case indeed make that happen?" 

Mr. Tony M. -- "Yeah, I believe you did help." "You've helped me organize quite allot to help me get myself straightened and everything, so they can be successful with it.  I've gotten everything cleared up, allot faster and everything now. I've actually got my name completely free and clear."

Audio Player of Recorded Survey --------------------->
Welcome! We are a group of state licensed professionals.  As the founder, I truly believe it's God's will for me to dedicate my time and very devoted help (applying my vast experience as a state licensed private investigator since 1996) helping the families dealing with these corrupt and very difficult CPS cases, whom are aware and can appreciate the fact that I've dealt with one myself personally - when they took my beloved son Holden Scott, from my loving care many years ago over a one-time accidental swift spanking with a flat light-weight hairbrush that I never used for spanking before that, to the behind ONLY, that left some light bruising which did in fact go away fully within three (3) days afterwards).  His pediatrician reported no injuries at all. I knew I was fully wrong for it and completed THREE 3 psych evals, MANY hours of counseling, at least 2 parenting courses, 2 anger management courses, paid child support, my child repeatedly said he wanted to be back with me during visits, and nothing seemed to please this corrupt CPS department, nor the judges above it.  This is the case where I investigated the psychologist involved and filed my report with the state which then forced him to relinquish his license.

From experiencing this very high level of CPS unfairness, CPS fraud, and CPS corruption as well as judicial unfairness and its support of the very wrongful acts of CPS, there is not a single law firm out there I've found that has helped its clients gain custody back from CPS than our group who works on cases nationwide for each state of this great country.  Our main mission is to help our clients become optimally organized, prepared, and to get very important evidence secured and entered into the Court Record (finally), and for them to be treated fairly in their cases, and to seek to secure and prepare any evidence any attorney may have missed, and/or neglected to secure, and to legally work with (or against) any attorney as necessary, as well as seeking evidence for a possible state civil suit for any wrongs done against our client(s) (such as false diagnosis by a psychologist trying to appease CPS in collusion), as well as seeking evidence for a possible full federal lawsuit for parental rights violations.  Our team's best always - Inv. Jon Scott, Founder & National Director
THANK YOU to ALL Existing Clients & Our Initial Case Assessment Amazon Pay Buyers (prospective clients whom very many go forward to hire us after the Case Assessment). We are also the leading and #1 firm investigating for building cases for lawsuits against anyone who made false reports to cps and/or law enforcement against parents (our clients), as well as for exposing them online for being liars, and who made those false reports to willfully harass others. We are fully licensed and authorize by state law to investigate them for building cases against them for our clients to pursue a successful lawsuit.  We have also greatly helped our clients with them having an attorney or not.  We do like to see an attorney working on our clients' case even if he/she is just court appointed (as I've personally had three court appointed lawyers in my own CPS case many years ago). We have very many years of experience knowing how to work with (and/or against if needed) CPS attorneys. We are state licensed and highly trained to seek to secure highly beneficial evidence for our clients' cases, and to prepare that evidence for our clients' cases - that any attorney may have missed and/or overlooked whether accidentally or intentionally.  I personally look at each case as new members of my own family and never take my very powerful legal position for granted. 
Providing PRO BONO (free) licensed CPS case defense and CPS case help investigations nationwide when we receive enough funds from our GoFundMe Campaign, so please support the legal investigative protecting and defending of parents!  If Your Case Was in Wilkes County, NC, It's Automatically FREE (payment for the initial Investigative Case Assessment is still required even for pro bono cases).
Wed. April 3, 2019 Text with Our Case Client (Ms. Jennifer W.)
Introduction of our fully state licensed and multi-state jurisdictional investigative group, 
how and why we are the leading investigative team in the nation in helping parents nationwide,
whom are dealing with unfair, corrupt, fraudulent, and reckless DSS/CPS cases

How can we help with your CPS Case?  Because CPS cases nationwide are inherently UNFAIR, corrupt, willfully deceitful, and heavily in violation of parental rights, along with a variety of other laws, we find it virtually impossible how not to be able to greatly help our Clients' CPS cases - no matter what the circumstances are.  With have state licensed investigative experience since 2009 for greatly bettering our Client's CPS cases, and indeed many times, literally Preventing Termination of Parental Rights numerous times throughout the years, by securing, preparing, and exploiting every imaginable type of relevant evidence on deliberate wrongful and even criminal, CPS Departmental case mishandling and mismanagement.  Our process normally involves directing our client to complete specific tasks, to aid our investigation and which many times, greatly counter and prevent many acts of CPS willful case mismanagement, mishandling, carelessness, fraud, and pure recklessness (during their cases), and namely, we seek evidence to secure and prepare that gives our clients the best possible chances of gaining back the custody of their child or children.  While our clients work to complete the tasks we issue, our team also discusses with our clients of the tasks we are working on ourselves.  We also have routine updates and case reviews (and of the Tasks that were completed or still in progress) throughout the entire case.  While our clients are working together with us as a very strong TEAM with Tasks, and Ongoing Case Reviews, we are examining and routinely appending the information received from the full Case Questionnaire they have filled out from the start, for letting us know every single problem, issue, and corrupt person they have been dealing with (from the Judge down), for us to ongoingly develop our investigative case strategies for legally holding any civilly wrongful and/or criminal acting person accountable for their actions.  We constantly strive to discover what any attorney may have missed to help our client(s), we time our efforts according to the actual circumstances of what is happening in our clients' cases.  Example, we have a very successful record of stopping corrupt psychologists before and even after they have produced a false, willfully inaccurate, and bias psychological evaluation on our clients (just so they can appease CPS in collusion).  This all started after I (Inv. Jon Scott), many years ago built a powerful case against 'Dr.' Harry Padgett for false psychological reporting, and I received a letter from the NC Psychology Board informing that they forced him to surrender his licensed to ever practice again. Armed with that new confidence and know-how, very many other psychologists and/or their associates, have been legally, highly strategically and professionally confronted by me, which resulted in complete 180 degrees of what they were planning to report, or what they planned to continue to carelessly recommend (usually no end in sight for counseling, and no recommendations for Reunification).  Please feel welcome to read the full story about crooked 'Dr' Harry Padgett here on this website.  We also put extreme legal investigative pressure on court appointed pretend lawyers, and anyone else, to finally get their rear-ends in gear and act like Real, Strongly Advocating attorneys/professionals, for our clients.  We know first-hand that so very many court appointed attorneys and even highly paid attorneys, don't provide this level of client care and commitment.  WE however very much DO, and our testimonies greatly show for it!  We keep helping those that can be helped, year after year - no matter what the 'naysayers' may say. Very warm regards, Det. Jon Scott - Founder, National Director, Chief Parental Rights Investigator & Expert
More Fully Paid to Hire Clients Surveys:
Click on the audio players below to hear more of our past surveys from our Actual Hiring Clients (Hired us after the Investigative Case Assessment).  If using a Smartphone, Zooming in May Be Useful to See The Audio Players Better.
Audio Survey Below, Done: Sept, 2019
Audio Survey Below, Done: Oct, 2019
Due to all the many new SUPER TESTIMONIES routinely added on our Home Page, we are running out of space!  To solve this, a new dedicated Testimonies page is being developed to showcase our very large collection of highly satisfied clients (of our actual paying clients whom go on to hire us after the Investigative Case Assessment).  Many visitors do appreciate our long Home Page, however, the dedicated new page will enable us to proudly keep adding our great client testimonies, without compromising other key information and components on our Front Page.  We are very grateful to all of the many clients whom we've been able to help all throughout their cases - towards reaching the very best results. There are more below, and we haven't asked even close to all of our satisfied Clients for testimonies! Yes, we are the real-deal for true legal investigative help for CPS cases, and no matter how much haters want to hate, not even the naive can be fooled by them with as many solid client testimonies we have GREATLY EARNED
"The site is an occupational hazzard"
Court Testimony of Mary Severt, 
DSS retired social worker of this being her last case.
A note about our testimonies:

We have been very modest ​throughout the years, with not even asking our very grateful clients for a testimony of our truly super help, unsurpassed case results, and achievements made throughout their entire cases. However, after having to deal with many haters whom have enjoyed hiring us just to have someone else to blame for not being able to get their children back, we now are asking our clients for their 100% true, accurate, and honest opinions of our help on their cases and namely, of case results, so there are no misconceptions or misunderstanding about our truly great help for our clients' cases.  The result will be the ever-mounting super testimony videos from our hiring clients, that will keep being added to our site routinely!  Again, we want there to be NO misconceptions whatsoever that our group does everything legally and reasonably possible, and are the nation's most powerful and effective CPS defense, parental rights, and litigation investigators.  We truly thank, love, and appreciate each one of our clients - and our testimonies from them show that we firmly stand proud and true for all of our words.
Yep, more SUPER Client Comments!

"I am in the process of completing your unbelievably thorough questionnaire right now" "Thank you again. It all becomes quite a bit more clear on how you guys do all of this, when you fill that form out. We are amazed and feel so blessed. Ms. Katelyn P. (CLIENT who hired on 5-4-22).

"I appreciate your time and efforts very much. I will start on the things you've requested of me asap." 9-21-22 Email from Ms. Victoria R. (CLIENT) who hired us on 9-2-22.  And, 10-11 22: "Thanks again Jon for your hard work and quick responses, I really appreciate it! Your amazing! Have a wonderful rest of your day."
A great text from one of our many Clients (fully reunified back with her child).
Home - All Contents Herein Is/Are Copyright (c) 2024 - All Rights Reserved Company Privacy Policy & Terms of Service
Our "Share the Wealth" Announcement!

Our firm has pledged to show its gratitude and true appreciation for ALL of our very many loyal, highly appreciated, and great team-work oriented clients (and even Assessment Only Prospects), by helping ALL families.  The help and showing of appreciation we are referring to is the payment of part of ANY future lawsuits (especially Multi-Party/Class-Action) that our firm helps to win! This help and showing of appreciation is at our firm's full discretion and choice however - any and all clients whom have been long-term patrons, supporters of our cause, and the very many great clients we've had the honor to help become reunified with their children - will not be forgotten.  We want as many people possible to win - WITH US and to Celebrate Victory TOGETHER.
Many years ago, before we began with video testimonies, we only asked for recorded audio testimonies. Below is an HTML Audio Player of just a small collection of numerous great reviews we've received for our Investigative Case Assessment, before we are even hired to work on the prospective client's case.  They go back many years! Thank you for considering our team's expert and highly specialized legal investigative best efforts to help you with your case.  Inv. Jon Scott
More of Our Past Surveys About Our Investigative Case Assessment:
Video Testimonies After very many years of obtaining numerous audio testimonies from our Investigative Case Assessment prospects, with placing only a very tiny amount on this site, we are finally starting to ask for and cheerfully receive fully volunteered video testimonies from our highly satisfied prospects whom have purchased and received our utmost professional Investigative Case Assessment - and want others to know that we start off on the right foot, with performing at the highest level and in a highly specialized licensed private investigative capacity - for CPS cases.  We will also continue to add more periodically.
We offer the convenience and peace-of-mind of Amazon Pay for our Investigative Case Assessment.
Once payment is made and Our Terms of Service is Signed for our Investigative Case Assessment, 
you will be called WITHIN 3 Business Days.
Below are some of our video testimonies of very appreciative clients of our truly exceptional legal investigative help for our Clients' CPS cases.  PROOF that we likely have more satisfied clients than most law firms out there who handle CPS cases!
Audio Survey Below, Done: 11-23-22
Thank you for taking the time to watch our videos and in knowing we are the real-deal for helping our clients with obtaining The Very Best Possible Case Results, and we look forward to serving your legal investigative case needs also.
By making this payment of $75.00, yes, myself and/or family member(s) is/are very serious about starting the process for getting the best possible legal investigative efforts for helping me/us with this case and want a phone call Within Three Business Days by Inv. Jon Scott (The Nation's Pioneering Parental Rights Investigative Expert).  Important: If you find difficulty making the paying with Amazon Pay, we can possibly accommodate the payment with Zelle, Venmo, or Cash-App, however, we prefer the payment for our Investigative Case Assessment be through Amazon and will only offer alternative payment methods if for good reason you aren't able to make the payment at Amazon from the Amazon Pay button provided above.  Once payment is made at Amazon, you will be directed back here to our site's secured web-form to send us the required preliminary new assessment client information and acceptance of our service agreement for this service.  If you have made the payment and submitted that form but have not received a call within three business days, there may be a technical issue with the form, and you are then welcome to email us ([email protected]) to let us know you made the payment and submitted the initial case info and service agreement form so that we can address any problems with the form submission process.  Thank you again for considering our team's highly specialized legal investigative efforts to help you all throughout your CPS case.
Our Commitment to Our Clients: 

  • We assertively seek to secure the best evidence and prepare it for our clients to help them reach their goals in their CPS/DSS case which are normally the reunification of their children.

  • ​We seek to legally hold those accountable for violating any rights of our clients.

  • We assertively seek to secure the best possible evidence and prepare it for our client who is interested in using our investigative work towards pursuing a Federal Civil Rights Violation Lawsuit.​  
Our Team legally investigates all throughout our clients' cases to seek and secure the best legal                           evidence to 
help our clients gain the return of their child or children, while at the same time seeking evidence           for a civil suit for the violation(S) of any laws whatsoever namely, parental civil rights.  We work very hard to seek fairness for all of our clients and 
to put a STOP & END to Court Judicial, DSS, CPS, Fraud and Corruption. "You helped me very much, in fact, much more than I expected towards getting my children back."  Amanda Holston, parent of three children.  We work on CPS cases NATIONWIDE.
ABOUT US - Our Background and Licensed Case Services
Questions & Answers
Key News on CPS Corruption & Cases
Landmark CPS Fraud Case
Wilkesboro, NC Case Against the
Important CPS Politics & Laws
Important Politics, Laws, & What YOU CAN DO TO HELP.
Below Left: Wilkes County, NC  Courthouse - Where Inv. Jon Scott's CPS Case Founded Our Help - Right: Parental Rights Private Investigator Jon Scott  
Start With Our Licensed Legal Investigative Case Assessment.  Prospective Clients must begin by having Inv. Jon Scott do a quality assessment of their case which includes a consultation about our investigative services.  The fee is currently $75.00 and is 100% REFUNDABLE IF NOT FULLY SATISFIED (processed and backed by Amazon Consumer Fraud Protection). 
Legally Shutting Down CPS Corruption Since 2009
Welcome to the Nation's First & Still #1 Licensed Investigative CPS Case Defense Team
More Videos Coming Soon!

Requests For Help - Phone Call for Initial Case Assessment & Consultation (before we are hired)

​Thank you for seeking our firm's highly professional and expert legal private investigative help for your case. We have a very fair and reasonable $75.00 Initial Case Assessment Fee which is 100% Money-back Satisfaction Guaranteed (by Amazon) and covers the costs for our firm to perform your case assessment. This payment also makes it possible for our investigative services to be offered at lower prices to more people, rather than for us only serving wealthy families.  That means if you cannot afford this very fair service fee which also enables us to help more people, then it is very unlikely we can help you - since you would not be contributing towards what's NEEDED For The Costs of PROVEN EXPERT HELP offered to the public. It truly also helps us to lower the costs for EVERYONE.  By law, we can and have charged well higher for just this assessment however, it is currently set at $75.00 for what seems a good average that practically every productive parent can afford.  This fee may however be increased in the future as needed, due to very heavy case-loads we experience at times.  I am Inv. Jon Scott, and have been a licensed private investigator since 1996, and I will be calling you personally once your payment is made and the service agreement the follows is submitted (from our secure website once re-directed after payment).  Our Service Agreements also provide that both YOU and I/US, will be allowed to record any phone call conversations between us.  This is because we do not act in any way dishonestly, and we very much pride ourselves for holding that standard as sacred, and we want our clients to know they will not be misled nor let down in trust in any way, shape, nor form.

This fee is also applied towards your flat-rate quote for hiring us after the case assessment, (of which fair and reasonable quote shall be based on this case assessment and given to you after the assessment between 1 – 3 business days after we use the assessment to research the people involved, county, jurisdiction, facts, circumstances, cross-reference similar cases, and legalities of your case). 

​We also offer a 100% money-back guarantee of full customer/client satisfaction of our Case Assessment so there is no risk involved for our clients to get started having us professionally assess their cases and determine a fair and reasonable flat-rate quote for hiring us.

​We also accept payment for the Case Assessment VIA Amazon Pay which provides full consumer fraud and scam protection. Once payment is made, you will be directed back to the website to submit your contact information (Name, Number, Email, and brief details you would like to inform us about your case), and to sign our Service Agreement for the nation's leading expert and pioneering parental rights investigator (Inv. Jon Scott) to call you for the assessment within three (3) business days.  Feel welcome to also check our very strong testimonies!

​We also try our best to make our investigative services affordable to everyone, and all persons whom pay for the case assessment will also be included in our list (even if they decide not to hire us after the case assessment), to be considered to receive part of monetary winnings/awards of any and all future lawsuits that our firm helps to win for other clients, where our firm wishes to also financially help these other families that have been victimized by DSS/CPS (especially financially) and in need of such help. We have a strong ethic for us ALL to win together (not just for our firm or the families whom could afford to hire us). Notice: This consideration shall not apply after any Refund is processed. We will also post all lawsuits we have been involved with winning or settling, onto this website.

100% SATISFACTION OF HELP POLICY (Option to Pay No More Than $500.00 Unless Fully Satisfied): 

We offer the flexibility of just $500.00 to begin working on a case, so that our clients can evaluate and determine whether or not they would like to continue receiving our highly experienced parental rights defense investigative help.  This policy is in full effect to help all families of various incomes and as our pledge to show and demonstrate our true ability and effectiveness in helping our clients succeed in their CPS cases.  Our clients will also not be obligated to pay off any balances due if they aren't fully satisfied with our attempt to expertly help and if not truly wanting us to continue working on their case for as long as reasonably takes to achieve the best possible results.  We also offer a significant courtesy reduction for full payment case funding up front (a reduced flat-rate quote that covers all costs) which lets us spend less time on account payments management, and more time on case work.  We pass those savings over to our clients.  All clients receive a full written Service Agreement with all terms put in clear understandable writing - before we are hired.

Other terms are effective as follows:

1.  After the Case Assessment, our clients routinely tell us that our quotes are more than fair and of the best value to them for our highly professional and expert help).  ALL clients who hire our firm for our efforts in Expert CPS Investigative Case Help, Investigative Defense, and Investigative Lawsuit Development, are also able to reasonably call/text Inv. Jon Scott all throughout their entire case for ongoing case collaboration for investigative help, investigative tasks to complete, investigative consultations, case reviews, and team-oriented case development (towards actual parent-child reunification).  So please make the payment of 75.00 to begin the process if you truly want the option to hire me, Inv. Jon Scott being the actual creator and pioneer of legally investigating for the defense and success for my clients' CPS cases and in seeking to build a state lawsuit for monetary and/or mental health damages, as well as for a full federal rights violations' lawsuit.

​2.  We work very hard for a living and earn it per each case we work on.
Home to the nation's original state licensed private investigator who helps people with their CPS cases nationwide.  When you need a highly specialized and experienced state licensed private investigator to help with your CPS case, private investigator Jon Scott has over 25 years total and over 15 years of experience helping his clients reach the very best CPS case results possible.  Private investigator Jon Scott is the original and pioneering licensed investigator for highly effective legal investigative help for CPS cases nationwide, who began helping his clients since 2009 to the present all throughout their cases.  Inv. Jon Scott and team work very hard to make sure our clients are treated fairly and to seek evidence against anyone for violating any civil rights and for seeking criminal prosecutions for the violating of any criminal laws against our clients.  We work very hard to strategically help our clients to overcome all obstacles in their way towards regaining custody.            
Site Last Update: 8-15-24 - SSL Certified Secure Website
After the assessment and once hired to investigate, we then give our clients a formal welcome and our full preliminary Case Questionnaire to fill out for our examination and foundation (combined with initial assessment information), to begin with.  This creates our standard foundation for our team to begin our highly specialized legal investigative activities for our very best efforts to help our client's CPS case.